Why Your Neck Stretches Aren’t Working! 4 Power Stretches for your Neck

Video Below:


One common mistake that I see people make when stretching their neck is their starting position. Many people begin stretching in a compromised position and half the time they give up because they don’t feel the stretch and deem it as ineffective. Today I am going to show you how to get into better alignment before you begin your stretch with my wife @lamjessfit . This is IMPORTANT before you even attempt the 4 power stretches coming up in the next couple of days.

▶️How to get into proper alignment:
1️⃣ While you are sitting go into Anterior Pelvic Tilt then slowly tuck your pelvis back under until you find your “SITS” bones.(these are the two hard/firm bumps and you want to sit right on top of them)
2️⃣ Extend your thoracic spine back until it is straight if you are hunched over
3️⃣ Make a double chin to pull your neck back

▶️? notes:
If I put a stick from your pelvis, to your mid back and head it should all line up in a straight line. Everybody is different and some may not be able to get into this position. If this is the case try to get as close to this position as possible pain free.

Do you have Forward head posture, hunched shoulders, or anxiety? Chances are your scalenes need some work!
The first of the 4 power stretches for the neck targets the scalene muscles specifically the anterior scalene.
The scalene are made up of 4 parts:
Scalene minimus
Anterior Scalene
Middle Scalene
Posterior scalene
They originate from the C spine 3-7 and insert onto the first and 2nd rib. So this muscle helps with elevating the first rib for breathing.
Some other causes of injury include shallow breathing from anxiety, whiplash, and cradling of the phone on your shoulder. If this sounds like you or someone you know, listen up!
• Come into proper alignment per previous post(#FHPAlignment), sitting up tall, make a double chin, draw in the core
• Contralaterally flex and ipsilaterally rotate neck (look up 45 degrees)
• Grab under your chair to anchor the opposite arm
• Apply mild pressure with the opposite hand on the head.
Breathe out to depress the chest and increase the stretch

Try holding each stretch for 30 seconds or even longer and you can repeat 2-3 times on each side.


If you do, this stretch is for you. This second stretch targets the upper trapezius and the middle scalene.

• Come into proper alignment per previous post, sitting up tall, make a double chin, draw in the core(#FHPAlignment)
• Side bend your neck • Grab under your chair to anchor the opposite arm
• Apply mild pressure with the opposite hand on the head.
Breathe out to depress the chest and increase the stretch

Try holding each stretch for 30 seconds or even longer and you can repeat 2-3 times on each side.

This is the third Power Stretch: 

The SCM, a rotator of the neck
The Sternocleidomastoid is just that – a muscle that attaches to the sternum, clavical, and mastoid process. Because of these attachments, it may also theoretically help lift the ribcage and can be considered a respiratory muscle as well. Tightness here can hinder breathing and lead to dysfunctions in the C or T spine, as well as headaches.

So let’s stretch them out!
– Proper alignment, sitting up tall and draw in the core.
– Anchor the same side arm under your seat
– Extend the neck to look up, side bend your neck to the opposite side, and rotate the neck to look up a bit more.
– Tuck in the chin (this makes a big difference for me!)
– Use your other hand to gently press on the head. – Breathe out to intensify the stretch
– Hold for 30 seconds or more, repeat 2-3 times on each side.
Along with the previous stretches, notice any imbalances between sides – if one is tighter than the other. Try spending a bit more time on that.

The Home Stretch!

 The Levator Scapula
What do they do? “I DON’T KNOW.” ?

To stretch them,

?Tuck in the chin
?Rotate your neck to the opposite side and look down
?With the other hand, place the hand under the base of the skull and gently push off, as if you are trying to lift the head off of the neck
?Another option is using the other hand and gently pressing down on the head, smelling the armpit

?Breathe out to intensify the stretch

? Hold for 30 seconds or more, repeat 2-3 times on each side.
Along with the previous stretches, notice any imbalances between sides – if one is tighter than the other. Try spending a bit more time on that.
That’s it for the 4 power stretches of the neck! We hope you found this helpful!

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