So I’m going to get a little candid and sentimental with you…
One year ago today, papa Cheung lost his 8 year battle with 4 types of cancers.
He was a simple man with a huge heart. He never really expressed his feelings or emotions but he always worked his hardest to take care of his family and always put others ahead of his own wants and needs. He was a strong, determined, and stubborn man – but that’s why he was able to stay strong and fight so hard for as long as he did – and we miss him everyday.
As I watched @joerehabtherapies, his mother and sis @stef_fey take care of papa Cheung in his final weeks at home, my heart broke. I felt more pain watching papa cheungs wife and children caring for their dying husband and father. To be completely honest with you, it didn’t hit me as hard on a personal level because he was not my flesh and blood father, nor was he my husband. But I felt it as close to my heart as I could. Had it been my husband, my father, I don’t know how I would’ve handled it.
The Cheung family is highly admirable and their love and loyalty towards one another is inspiring. Papa Cheung will be proud that he raised such amazing children, and he would be even more happy that his son has sacrificed so much to spend more time with his mom and to pursue his passion. . He even said, “when I get better, I will help you look after your facility when you and Jessie go on vacation.”
It was the battle with his fathers health that triggered something in my husbands brain, that life is too short. You should spend QUALITY time with those you love and take time for yourself to discover what your purpose is. Go out there and share what you love and help as many people as you can. Papa Cheung would be so happy that joe and I are working hard at something we are passionate about.
We love you papa Cheung and we will see you soon xo.
Big hugs! Never easy but the support you show the cheungs is everything they need! Xo